Product Mark
A Product Mark refers to trademarks related to products or goods and not services. It is used to identify the source of a product and to distinguish a manufacturer’s products from others. Itis treated as important as it protects the goodwill and reputation of a Business
Service Mark
A service mark similar to a product mark. But here instead of product or goods, it identifies the source of service. For example, a company such as Yahoo may brand certain products with a trademark, but use a service mark on the internet searching service that it provides
Collective Mark
These trademarks used by a group of companies and also protected by the group collectively. Collective marks normally used to inform the public about a particular characteristic of the product for which the collective mark used. The owner of such marks normally operate as an association or public institution or cooperative. Collective marks also used to promote particular products which have certain characteristics specific to the producer in a given field. Thus, a collective trademark can used by a more than one trader, provided that the trader belongs to that particular association
Certification Mark
Certification mark represents a sign indicating that the goods/services certified by the owner of the sign in terms of origin, material, quality, accuracy or other characteristics. This differs from a standard trademark who distinguishes the goods/services that originate from a single company
Shape marks
According to the Indian Trademarks Act, 1999, a trademark may also include the shape of goods, their packaging to trademark. So long as its possible to graphically represent the shape clearly. This helps in distinguishing the goods sold under such trademark from those of another manufacturer. The new Trade Marks Ordinance continues to allow registration of such marks
Pattern Mark
The Pattern mark consist of a pattern which capable of identifying the goods or services as originating from particular undertaking. Thus distinguishes it from those of other undertakings. Such goods/services are registered as Pattern Marks
Sound Mark
Nowadays sounds become important part of advertisement. We can immediately identify the product from the sound in the advertisement. In such cases, the sound may regarded as a trademark and also eligible for registration